The trend toward gas-burning fireplaces has been popular, but Caledon Fireplace Ltd. in Caledon, Ontario, knows many people prefer the aroma and crackling sound that comes only from a wood-burning fire.
Modern wood fireplaces have evolved and are more efficient than ever before. Advancements in technology have transformed them, so they don’t have to be stoked as often, and therefore there’s less ash to clean out.
Wood burning units used to have a bad rap for not being environmentally friendly because of the amount of smoke produced. That isn’t the case with modern wood-burning stoves, which are designed with innovative ventilation systems. As wood is a renewable resource, this natural heat source can reduce the amount of time your furnace runs, which is good for the environment and your wallet. For best results, stoke your wood stove or fireplace with well-seasoned wood that has been cut, split and dried for a year.
If heat is your main priority, rather than ambience, wood stoves heat an area more efficiently than wood fireplaces.
If you have an original wood-burning fireplace in an older home, rather than converting it to natural gas, consider modernizing it with a wood insert. Caledon Fireplaces carries a large variety of inserts from leading manufacturers. The Regency wood insert features heat radiating ceramic glass to add a layer of safety and a convector grill to direct warm air into the room.
If you’re constructing a new wood-burning fireplace in your home, contact your municipality to see if you need to fill out a permit. In Brampton, for example, a building permit is required to install a wood stove and chimney.
Your wood-burning stove or fireplace should be inspected and cleaned annually by a Wood Energy Technology Transfer (WETT) certified technician.